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US Army Retractor is used to expose surface layers of skin, commonly in plastic surgery procedures. It is a double-ended retractor with a fenestrated handle. The blades at each end are angled 90 degrees and also have a slightly curved, rounded lip. The blades also face in the same direction. US Army Retractors come in sets of 2. Available in Stainless Steel, or Non-Conductive coated.

105-122 US Army-Navy Retractor (Parker-Langenbeck) 8-1/2" (21.3cm), set of two
105-122NC US Army-Navy Retractor (Parker-Langenbeck) 8-1/2" (21.3cm), set of two, non-conductive

Also available as a single piece with light and suction:
105-122LS US Army-Navy Fiber-optic Retractor (Parker-Langenbeck) 8-1/2" (21.3cm), large, fiber-optic and suction on larger serrated blade of larger retractor

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

Stainless, Non Conductive, Stainless with Light and Suction

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