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Coated Desmarres Lid Retractors (Non-Conductive) are the go-to instrument for blepharoplasty procedures that involve electrocautery in the area being retracted. The non-conductive blue coating ensures that there will not be any electrical shock if the electrode touches the instrument. With non-coated German Stainless Steel, if it touches an electrode, it can shock or burn the doctor and patient causing unnecessary injury and harm.

These are commonly used for the Sub–Orbicularis Oculi Fat (Soof) Lift procedure and can be referred to as a Soof Lift Retractor or a Soof Lift Eyelid Retractor. The concave retractor contours the structures in the eye that will be retracted to reduce strain and stress on the delicate eye tissue.

Key Points

  • go-to instrument for blepharoplasty procedures that involve electrocautery in the area being retracted
  • non-conductive blue coating
  • commonly used for the Sub–Orbicularis Oculi Fat (Soof) Lift procedure and can be referred to as a Soof Lift Retractor or a Soof Lift Eyelid Retractor

210-194NC Size 5-1/2" (13.8cm), 11mm wide, non-conductive

210-195NC Size 5-1/2" (13.8cm), 13mm wide, non-conductive

210-196NC Size 5-1/2" (13.8cm), 15mm wide, non-conductive

210-197NC Size 5-1/2" (13.8cm), 17mm wide, non-conductive


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

11mm, 13mm, 15mm, 17mm

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