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The unique extended box lock design of the Nolan Style Needle Holder with tungsten carbide jaws prevents twisting of the shanks.  The needle stays secure and does not move around haphazardly during suturing.  The extended box lock on the longer length Nolan’s increase safety and reduce time during deep pelvic cases.


Nolan Style Needle Holder

520-865 Nolan Needle Holder (Heavy Box Lock) 10" (25cm), straight, tungsten carbide

520-870 Nolan Needle Holder (Heavy Box Lock) 12" (30cm), straight, tungsten carbide

520-866 Nolan Needle Holder (Heavy Box Lock) 10" (25cm), curved, tungsten carbide

520-871 Nolan Needle Holder (Heavy Box Lock) 12" (30cm), curved, tungsten carbide

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

10 inches (25cm), 12 inches (30cm)


Straight, Curved

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