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Lister Bandage Scissors are designed with angled tips with a blunt end to cut tough material and sizing dressings.  These German stainless steel scissors are offered in several different variations to fit your surgical needs.

Key Points

  • designed with angled tips with a blunt end to cut tough material and sizing dressings
  • offered in several different variations to fit your surgical needs

100-510 Lister Bandage Scissors 3-1/2" (8.8cm), side angled
100-512 Lister Bandage Scissors 4-1/2" (11.3cm), side angled
100-514 Lister Bandage Scissors 5-1/2" (13.8cm), side angled
100-516 Lister Bandage Scissors 7-1/4" (18.1cm), side angled
100-517 Lister Bandage Scissors 8" (20cm), side angled
100-518 Lister Bandage Scissors 8" (20cm), side angled w/ one large finger ring

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

3-1/2", 4-1/2", 5-1/2", 7-1/4", 8", 8"one large finger ring

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