(877) 296 - 7205 | (661) 296 - 7200 [email protected]


Kelly (Kelly-Rankin) Hemostatic Forceps are designed to control bleeding with the Kelly forceps design in several surgical procedures including facial reconstruction, rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), blepharoplasty, D&C (Dilation & Curettage), Hysterectomy, and myomectomy.  These hemostatic forceps are offered in different lengths and either straight or curved tip design to accommodate different surgical needs.

Key Points 

  • designed to control bleeding with the Kelly forceps design
  • in several surgical procedures including facial reconstruction, rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), blepharoplasty, D&C (Dilation & Curettage), Hysterectomy, and myomectomy
  • offered in different lengths and either straight or curved tip design to accommodate different surgical needs

140-036 Kelly Hemostatic Forceps 5-1/2" (13.8cm), straight
140-038 Kelly Hemostatic Forceps 5-1/2" (13.8cm), curved
140-037 Kelly-Rankin Hemostatic Forceps 6-1/4" (15.6cm), straight
140-039 Kelly-Rankin Hemostatic Forceps 6-1/4" (15.6cm), curved

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

5-1/2", 6-1/4"


Straight, Curved

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