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HSG Catheters are idal for Hydrotubation, Salpingoplasty and Hysterosalpingography. HSG catheter sets can be used for sonohysterography and hysterosalpingography procedures that greatly enhance the analysis of uterine pathology. Using HSG balloon catheters the procedures are simple and non-traumatic for patients. A placement sheath eliminates the need for tenaculum. HSG catheters are designed for single-patient use only.

HM6050 5Fr. HSG-Sono Catheter, 3cc balloon with syringe, non-later, sterile single-use, box/10
HM6070 7Fr. HSG-Sono Catheter, 5cc balloon with syringe, non-later, sterile single-use, box/10

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

5Fr. w/ 3mm balloon, 7Fr. w/ 5mm balloon

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