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Designed for contouring and trimming bone and gross tissue removal, the Friedman Rongeur (also known as an End-Cutting Rongeur) is an essential bone-cutting instrument.  Offered with straight or curved jaws to improve access in tight surgical spaces.

Key Points 

  • Designed for contouring and trimming bone and gross tissue removal
  • also known as an End-Cutting Rongeur
  • offered with straight or curved jaws to improve access in tight surgical spaces

205-826 Micro-Friedman Rongeur 5-1/2" (14cm), 1.5mm x 5mm jaws, very delicate, straight
205-828 Micro-Friedman Rongeur 5-1/2" (14cm), 1.5mm x 5mm jaws, very delicate, curved
205-830 Friedman Rongeur 5-1/2" (14cm), 3.5mm slightly curved beaks

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Jaw Size

1.5mm, 3.5mm


Curved, Straight

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