(877) 296 - 7205 | (661) 296 - 7200 [email protected]


The Durette IV External Eye Shields (with moveable metal - nasal and temporal) are designed with premium stainless steel and adjustable nasal and temporal pieces without impeding on eye shield positioning. These external eye shield goggles are autoclavable and includes 1 assembled pair external shields and extras.  Total parts in this set include 2 metal cups, 2 nasal metal attachments, 2 temporal metal attachments, and 2 elastic headbands.

Key Points

  • adjustable nasal and temporal pieces without impeding on eye shield positioning
  • premium stainless steel
  • autoclavable
  • this set include 2 metal cups, 2 nasal metal attachments, 2 temporal metal attachments, and 2 elastic headbands

Durette IV External Eye Shields with moveable metal nasal and temporal  (missing pic)

OP21-552 Durette IV External Laser Shields, patients goggles with all metal attachments, small

OP21-555 Durette IV External Laser Shields, patients goggles with all metal attachments, regular

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

Small, Regular

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