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SKU: 405-304


SKU: 405-304 Category:

Endobrow Periosteal Dissector

The Endoforehead Periosteal Spreader #6 is used to elevate periosteum in endoscopic brow lift procedures. The elevation of this periosteum occurs after the arcus marginalis release. This is also referred to as the Infra-Brow Periosteal spreader which references its use to elevate periosteum.

405-304 Shaper Periosteal Dissector, S-shaped, round button finishing tip, with gold Ergo handle, 9-1/2" (24cm)

Marina Medical 150-107 Rz6: Infra-Brow Periosteal Spreader and Black and Black B65080 Ramirez Endoforehead Periosteal Spreader #7

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Weight 1 lbs
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