(877) 296 - 7205 | (661) 296 - 7200 [email protected]


Breisky Retractors by Hayden Medical are made of German Stainless Steel and are for use in open vaginal cases where retraction is needed. Available with fiber-optic light for optimal viewing. These are often used with the Martin's Arm Retractor to hold the retractor in place, safely and securely. The Martin's Arm eliminates surgeon or nurse fatigue in almost any situation it is used in.

These retractors can be used in an anterior, posterior or lateral position to achieve optimal visibility for the surgeon.

310-407 100mm x 18mm
310-410 100mm x 25mm
310-412 100mm x 30mm
310-414 100mm x 35mm
310-415 100mm x 38mm
310-512 120mm x 30mm
310-514 130mm x 35mm
310-516 140mm x 35mm
310-613 150mm x 35mm
310-615 160mm x 35mm
310-620 170mm x 25mm (Navaritil)
310-622 170mm with sweetheart tip

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

100mm, 120mm, 130mm, 140mm, 150mm, 160mm, 170mm


18mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35mm, 38mm, sweetheart tip

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