(877) 296 - 7205 | (661) 296 - 7200 [email protected]

About Our Bariatric Instruments

Hayden Medical carries a wide variety of German Stainless Steel Bariatric Surgical Instruments. We have instruments for many different types of bariatric procedures.

Popular Bariatric Instruments include:                                                   

115-052 bariatric martins arm with liver retractor

Need help finding an instrument?

We can reference any surgical instrument company’s catalog numbers including, but not limited to the following Bariatric Surgical Instrument companies:

Aesculap* | Automated Medical* | Boss* | Circon/ACMI* | Cook* | Elmed* |  Jarit* | Karl Storz* | Marina Medical* | Millenium Surgical* | Mobile Instruments* | Richard Wolf* | Snowden Pencer* | SSI*

Instrument Sets and Trays are also available, please and speak with one of our representatives to make an instrument set to best fit your needs!

*Hayden Medical Inc. and haydenmedical.com are not affiliated with the companies listed above. Their names are registered trademarks of the respective owners of their companies.

**Custom bariatric surgical instruments are also available by request.


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